L'Infini des Groupoïdes achieves a landmark synthesis, unifying synthetic and classical mathematics in a mechanically verifiable framework AXIO/1 showcasing its ability to span algebraic, analytic, geometric, categorical, topological, and foundational domains in the set of languages: Anders (Cubical HoTT), Dan (Simplicial HoTT), Jack (K-Theory, Hopf Fibrations), Urs (Supergeometry), Fabien (A¹ HoTT). Its type formers—spanning simplicial ∞-categories, stable spectra, cohesive modalities, reals, ZFC, large cardinals, and forcing.


Mathematical theories, models and languages.

    Algebraic Systems

  1. Algebraic structure
  2. Group, Subgroup
  3. Normal Group
  4. Factorgroup
  5. Abelian Group
  6. Ring, Module
  7. Field Theory
  8. Linear Algebra
  9. Universal Algebra
  10. Lie, Leibniz Algebra

    (Co)Homotopy Theory

  1. Pullback
  2. Pushout
  3. Limit, Fiber
  4. Suspension, Loop
  5. Smash, Wedge, Join
  6. H-(co)spaces
  7. Eilenberg-MacLane Spaces
  8. Cell Complexes
  9. ∞-Groupoids
  10. (Co)Homotopy
  11. Hopf Invariant

    (Co)Homology Theory

  1. Chain Complex
  2. (Co)Homology
  3. Stinrod Axioms
  4. Hom and Tensor
  5. Resolutions
  6. Derived Cat, Fun
  7. Tor, Ext and Local Cohomology
  8. Homological Algebra
  9. Spectral Sequences
  10. Cohomology Operations

    Category Theory

  1. Categories
  2. Functors, Adjunctions
  3. Natural Transformations
  4. Kan Extensions
  5. (Co)limits
  6. Universal Properties
  7. Monoidal Categories
  8. Enriched Categories
  9. Structure Identity Principle

    Topos Theory

  1. Topology
  2. Coverings
  3. Grothendieck Topology
  4. Grothendieck Topos
  5. Geometric Morphisms
  6. Higher Topos Theory
  7. Elementary Topos


  1. Nisnevich Site
  2. Zariski Site
  3. Theory of Schemes
  4. Noetherian Scheme
  5. A¹-Homotopy Theory
  6. Cohesive Topos
  7. Etale Topos
  8. Differential Geometry
  9. Synthetic Geometry
  10. Local Homotopy Theory


  1. Real Analysis
  2. Funtional analysis
  3. Measure theory


  1. Proof Theory
  2. Set Theory
  3. Schönfinkel
  4. Łukasiewicz
  5. Frege
  6. Hilbert
  7. Church
  8. Tarski

    Type Theory

  1. Laurent Schwartz
  2. Ernst Zermelo
  3. Paul Cohen
  4. Henk Barendregt
  5. Per Martin-Löf
  6. Christine Paulin-Mohring
  7. Anders Mörtberg
  8. Dan Kan
  9. Jack Morava
  10. Urs Schreiber
  11. Fabien Morel


Homotopy Library for Anders theorem prover consists of two parts Foundations and Mathematics just as HoTT Book.


MLTT, Modal and Univalent Foundations represent a basic language primitives of Anders and its base library.


The second part is dedicated to mathematical models and theories internalized in this language.

The base library for cubicaltt is given on separate page: Formal Mathematics: The Cubical Base Library


The series of articles on foundation and mathematics of Homotopy Type Theory.

Issue I: Internalizing MLTT
Issue III: Homotopy Type Theory
Issue VIII: Formal Set Topos
Addendum I: Pure Type System
Addendum II: Many Faces of Equality
